Saturday, June 21, 2008

Fool me once

In the front, next to the walkway I have a flower bed with three large roses. One is a Tiffany hybrid Tea, a beautiful pink with a yellow interior. One is a red rose whose name I do not recall, but that has a deep rose scent. One is a yellow floribunda on a red climbing rose root stock. I know that the root stock is a red climber because it has sent out shoots. I actually like the shoots, except that they have nothing to climb and if I let them grow too much they will take over and I won't have the yellow floribunda.
Underneath the roses I have a rock garden and I plant miniature flowers. I have miniature daffodils in the spring, and I have johnny-jump-up's, which reseed themselves nicely. I have allysum, which also reseeds itself, probably too much. And then I have English daisy's and miniature daisy's. Both of those, particularly the miniature white daisy, when they are very young look very much like weeds that grow here. I am afraid I have pulled out baby plants, thinking they are the weeds and now I have too few in the bed. I have replanted English daisy seeds but haven't yet seen signs of new plants. Buying the plant itself is a bit expensive, leading me to believe that others have trouble getting them to grow as well.
So, for this year at least, I have added some portulaca and some verbena, both of which look very good, and some purple salvia, which aren't doing well at all. Too little water maybe? I don't water often. Still the overall bed, (other that needing to be weeded more) looks quite good. Come see!


Unknown said...

I believe both the portulacas and that particular salvia are sold as annuals in Utah because they aren't hardy, and they don't reseed. You probably already knew this.
the English daisies are definitely sold as perennials though, I wonder what the problem is.