Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sights and Smells of Spring

The lilacs have faded, but the snowball bush is loaded. The bleeding hearts are covered. Anybody want a bleeding heart start? They are quite expensive as they are perennial, but around here they are almost weeds. (too many babies). The Golden Rain tree is in full flower, as is the Purple Robe Locust. There are not enough English Daisies, but the regular daisies are coming on. The Johnny Jump-Ups are in bloom and the regular pansies too. I have put a few of each of these in between the pages of the phone book in the hopes that they will all dry nicely and I can make book-marks with them for the girls at the Children's Justice Center. We have been asked for bookmarks or homemade cards, and I am not a carder. I so wish I could send you all scents though. The locust is amazing!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Terrible, horrible, very bad, no good day

Yesterday I had one of those. I had an interview about something I had REALLY wanted to do, but the rules of engagement are very strict and I have simply made too many commitments in the near future, so, they don't want me. All of the commitments are good things, and things that I want to do, but I had so hoped we could work around them. I cannot go back on my word on any. Even if I did I would have to go back on my word on all. I may not have much, but I have a very strongly developed sense of duty. I cannot change my mind now and say, sorry, I'm not going to do that after all. In addition my employment future is so undecided that I can't really plan anything more after these commitments end mid-summer. I am trying to see the good in all of this, but in reality I am really down.