Tuesday, June 3, 2008


So I've been working in the raspberries, tucking in the baby plants and weeding, for the better part of two days. Most of the weeds are of one variety, which means a parent plant (or more than one) was allowed to go to seed last spring. *-#%**!!!! Then there is the orchard grass. I have been fighting the orchard grass for years. It is almost impossible to get all of the rhizomes-whether I pull or dig or chop. I think that tool the sprinkler people use to dig tunnels under sidewalks came from an engineer who had been trying to rid his yard of orchard grass. You know the one I mean, with the pointed end chugging its way through or past everything in it's path. Those little roots have pointed ends! Ouch!. And of course, the raspberries need attention from me at the same time they need attention from the bees, and sticking my head into a bush full of bees is very disconcerting, even if you aren't afraid of bees. (I'm not. I've even toyed with the idea of becoming a beekeeper.) Still, I have pulled all the weeds for now and can move on to something else, like cleaning up tree limbs around the yard.


Jennifer B said...

Your gardens are so beautiful and I am jealous of your strawberry & raspberry plants. Growing up my grandparents had an acre garden with fourth of an acre just for raspberries. So many wonderful memories...