Now I am even leery of prescription drugs. There are too many side effects. Nearly all prescription drugs are based on the way some natural plant affects the body. However, there is no profit in something natural, so they make a chemical version in order “that they can control the dosage” (really so that they can patent their version) and charge us a fortune for it. Drugs that cost 2-3 cents a dose to manufacture cost the public 2-3 dollars to use. I have no problem with a reasonable profit, but this is highway robbery!!! Drug companies are not our friends!
I may sound paranoid to some of you but I really believe most of the diseases we treat could be cured. Drugs could be made that actually got rid of nearly everything. They probably have already been invented. Many problems can be treated or cured with proper nutrition.
The problem there for the medical community is that, well, obviously, they can’t actually cure us! The money is made in treating problems, not in getting rid of them! So they are gleeful when they find that we have heart disease, or diabetes, or malaria, or depression or any other disease they can treat and monitor. We have to come in, and keep coming in forever.
Doctors will experiment on finding the reason for one single symptom until they see we are catching on to what they are doing, then they will say that they think these two things might be related, when they knew all along that all your symptoms are from one single cause. They will drag out a diagnosis for as long as they can. In fact, they are taught to do this in med school!
Health care is all about profit and not at all about health.
Since I no longer trust doctors I think I will always go for the most natural ‘cure’ first from now on. Usually diet, then look for the herbs that will treat. I have friends who think I am crazy, but frankly, from my own experience, those chemical versions of things are horrible to the body!!!
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